
Corrija o erro do seu deltafix.dll

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Corrija o erro do seu deltafix.dll


DLL-Files Support says:

Getting this error at Windows startup?


There was a problem starting C:\PROGRA~2\DeltaFix\DeltaFix.dll

The specified module could not be found

Possible manual solution for you 'handyman-fixers' out there;

The file DeltaFix.dll seems to be a part of an ad-ware called "GS_Sustainer", which is classified as malware by many providers, typically distributed by way of a thirdparty installer or toolbar browser highjacker. It is not recommended that you attempt to reinstall this file on your computer, which is also why we do not offer this file for download.

Examples of detections

As far as I can tell, this is technically not a virus, but it does exhibit plenty of malicious traits. The industry generally refers to it as a “PUP,” or potentially unwanted program. Malwarebytes Anti Malware, and mentioned above, can remove this.

To stop this file from being loaded at Windows start, remove the autostart entry.

How to remove the Startup entry:

Win XP, VISTA, 7: Press "Windows"-key + "R" to bring up the "Run" dialogue. In "Run" dialogue type "msconfig" and hit Enter Under the tab "Startup", uncheck any boxes relating to these files. Win 8: Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC at the same time to bring up the Task Manager. Under the tab "Start-up", uncheck any boxes relating to these files.

Should you not find any references here to the DeltaFix.dll, try the Microsoft program Sysinternals Autoruns. Available for free at:

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