
Corrija o erro do seu krios.dll

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Corrija o erro do seu krios.dll

2015-03-27 Support says:

This is a possible manual solution for you 'handyman-fixers' out there:

WARNING: Do this at your own risk. The instructions below are not guaranteed to work on your particular system setup.

krios.dll is a part of the software "shopperz" by Jabuticaba Ltd. It is technically not a virus, but it exhibit many malicious traits, such as capabilities to hook deep into the operating system, browser hijacking, and interfering with your daily computer use. The industry generally refers to it as a "PUP".

Krios.dll has been identified as the following threats;

  • PUP.Optional.Shopperz.A
  • TR/Trash.Gen
  • Win32/Toolbar.Perion (variant)
  • PUA.Toolbar.BitCocktail
  • PUP.Jabuticaba.F
  • AntivirusThreat.4729122

"shopperz" is often bundled to freeware or shareware applications.

How to stop this PUP from loading with Windows:

Win XP, VISTA, 7:

Press "Windows"-key + "R" to bring up the "Run" dialogue. In "Run" dialogue type "msconfig" and hit Enter Under the tab "Startup", uncheck any boxes relating to krios.dll.

Win 8:

Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC at the same time to bring up the Task Manager. Under the tab "Start-up", uncheck any boxes relating to krios.dll.

Should you not find any references here to the krios.dll , try the Microsoft program Sysinternals Autoruns. Available for free at Microsoft Sysinternals

This stops the error message. You may then proceed with your preferred malware cleaner, antivirus, removal tools, to remove the malicious software.

Also make sure to reset your internet browsers, making sure startpage and default search engine are not changed.


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