
Corrija o erro do seu h29xz2.dll

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Corrija o erro do seu h29xz2.dll


Apparently, an alleged emulator, claiming to be able to emulate and play 3Ds games, needs a file named H29xz2.dll

From what we have been able to find, this "3Ds emulator" program is fake, and no matter if you would be able to find a file named H29xz2.dll or not, you would not be able to emulate 3Ds on a PC.

"[...] as of October 2014, there are no commercial 3DS Emulators that have been released yet. Any commercial 3DS Emulators that have been "released" are fake or complete scams [...]" "It looks like there's also fake emulators out there for xbox360, and not just for ps3 and the 3ds.. As a very coincidental fact - the "3DS emulator" seems to have it's code based upon the fake xbox360 emulator..."

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