
Corrija o erro do seu myosprotect.dll

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Corrija o erro do seu myosprotect.dll

[ support; 2014-10-20]

While not technically a virus, the myosprotect.dll has been reported as related to a software classified as "PUP.Optional.MyOSProtect.A". This might result in your Antivirus removing related files, such as the myosprotect.dll .

To get rid of error message regarding missing myosprotect.dll, you have a few options.

  • Leave the program as is, but disable the autostart
  • Re-install software (Making sure your AntiVirus does not interfere)
  • replacing the missing file with a downloaded
  • uninstall / remove the toolbar software

How to disable the autostart entry;

Win XP, VISTA, 7: Press "Windows"-key + "R" to bring up the "Run" dialogue. In "Run" dialogue type "msconfig" and hit Enter Under the tab "Startup", uncheck any boxes relating to these files. Win 8: Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC at the same time to bring up the Task Manager. Under the tab "Start-up", uncheck any boxes relating to these files.

Should you not find any references here to the tbverifier.dll, try the Microsoft program Sysinternals Autoruns. Available for free at:

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